Rock & Gravel
Natural Features for Modern Gardens
Kathryn Bradley-Hole
Distributed by Hodder Moa Beckett
stones and gravel have so many uses in the garden: from a striking
boulder feature in a Japanese-style courtyard to a crunchy gravel
path leading along an informal English-style perennial border.
Kathryn Bradley-Hole,
a well-known British garden writer, examines the use of these natural
elements to create rock gardens, scree and herb gardens, rock walls
and raised beds. There is a chapter on slabs and stepping stones
and, of course, this book would not be complete without a section
on water gardens, for it in is this setting that rocks look best.
This is a beautiful book,
but it is useful too, with lots of handy hints peppered about its
pages. For example, use a spoon from your kitchen to lever little
plants into rock crevices, or dig out tiny planting pockets with
a kebab skewer stick.
Rock garden plants are
also covered in depth, as are the plants that thrive in informal
gravel gardens.
Gardener, Issue 91, January 31-February 13, 2002, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH