Doctor Archive
year I grew strawberries in the glasshouse in a balanced strawberry/
tomato mix plus some blood and bone. But a lot of the fruit are
misshapen. Can you tell me the cause?
fruit look as if they have been subject to stress during development.
The main cause is probably lack of water, restricting fruit development,
followed by a growth spurt when water was available. The temperature
in a glasshouse can rise surprisingly high in a very short time
when the sun comes out, causing rapid water loss through transpiration
from the plant as well as evaporation from the soil. So more regular
watering should help, but it might also pay to try to improve ventilation
or apply a light coating of shade paint or shade cloth to keep the
greenhouse cooler.
Gardener, Issue 192, 2005, Page 31
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.