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RNZIH 2002 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 16 November 2002 at 4.30pm

 at the Plymouth International Hotel, New Plymouth.


1.                Apologies/In Memoriam

2.                Minutes of the 2001 Annual General Meeting

3.                Matters arising from the Minutes of the 2001 AGM

4.                Chairman’s Report

5.                Statement of Accounts for 2002 and Budget for 2003

6.                Branch Reports

7.                Election of Officers, Patron, Vice Patrons, President, National Executive, Auditor and Hon Solicitor

8.                General Business

8.1.             Subscriptions

8.2.             Notable Trees

8.3.             Publications

8.4.             Garden Registration Scheme

8.5.             Annual Conference 2003

8.6.             Other

Presentation of Institute Awards will be prior to the Banks Memorial Lecture to be held at the Plymouth Hotel.

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