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Book cover - Common Weeds of New ZealandAn Illustrated Guide to
Common Weeds
of New Zealand


Ipomoea indica
blue morning glory


lpomoea indica - blue morning gloryReproduced from
Common Weeds of New Zealand
by Ian Popay, Paul Champion & Trevor James
ISBN 0 473 09760 5
by kind permission of the
New Zealand Plant Protection Society

Publication or other use of images or descriptive text on these pages is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the authors and publisher.
Appropriate acknowledgement of the publication Common Weeds of New Zealand must always be given.

Available from Nationwide Book Distributors

Rampant, smothering, hairy perennial, climbing up to 12 m high. It has brilliant blue, trumpet-shaped flowers in summer.

  • Flowers Bright blue, large, open trumpet-shaped, up to 10 cm in diameter, in few-flowered axillary clusters, new flowers opening daily and fading to pink in late afternoon. Flowers Jan-Dec.
  • Fruit Very rarely fruits in NZ.
  • Leaves Deeply three-lobed, up to 18 cm long by 16 cm wide, silky-hairy underneath. Terminal lobe egg-shaped, lateral lobes broad and uneven.
  • Stems Twining and running.
  • Roots Fibrous.


Gardens, waste places, forest margins and plantations.


Occasional throughout frost-free lowland NI, rare in northern SI. Originally from tropical regions.


Extremely attractive tropical plant grown for ornament, and now growing wild in many places. Listed on the National Pest Plant Accord (see Introduction for details).

Derivation of botanical name

Ipomoea (Gr.) = worm-like; indica (Lat.) = of India or the Indies.


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Web-notes: Weed Links

On this site

Reproduced from Common Weeds of New Zealand:

External Links

WeedbustersWeedbusters New Zealand
Weedbusters is a weeds awareness and education programme that aims to protect New Zealand's environment from the increasing weed problem.
A free tool to assist farmers and agricultural professionals in decision-making regarding weed and pest identification, biology, impact and management.
Weed keyNew Zealand Weeds Key
An interactive identification key to the weeds of New Zealand. Developed at Landcare Research.

New Zealand Plant Conservation Network naturalised plants
Search for information on more than 2500 naturalised and weedy plants.
NZ Plant Protection SocietyNew Zealand Plant Protection Society
Their main objective: "To pool and exchange information on the biology of weeds, invertebrate and vertebrate pests, pathogens and beneficial organisms and methods for modifying their effects."
Massey UniversityMassey University Weeds Database
A site providing information about New Zealand weeds and weed control. It has a series of pages showing pictures of New Zealand weeds, notes on identification and control. It also provides information on a university paper entitled Controlling Weeds.

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